May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

My husband had a Light phone and while he loved being low tech the phone itself didn’t work. He wasn’t receiving texts or calls after months of using it. He contacted the company and they reimbursed him so something to keep in mind if that happens to you. Now he has an Apple Watch which he likes because he’s accessible when needed but it’s annoying to scroll on it so he just doesn’t. He has an iPad for when he needs to use the internet.

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Oh that’s interesting! I’ve only had issues so far with not getting group texts that were previously on iMessage

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Just discovered your Substack Natalie and I'm loving it!! Thank you so much for the shout out xx

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Thanks Anna! Loving your Substack as well! xx

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

I've been so inspired by your low-tech journey, and am considering replacing my iPhone with the Light Phone or maybe a bit less dramatically, with the Wise Phone. Thank you for sharing, Natalie!

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Ohh, what’s the Wise Phone?!

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Just learned about this! https://techless.com/products/wisephone-ii

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Ooooohh I’m going to look into this!

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

I tried the Light phone but the difficulty was so many people weren't going low tech at the same time. It was difficult to connect with doctors, pharmacies, store pick-ups, some places don't take tickets if it's not on the app (screenshots and printing weren't accepted), sharing map eta's, etc. I tired making it greyscale too but since I also use it for work it was too annoying.

Ultimately, after making dinner I now plug my phone in in another room and don't touch it until the next day. At first, I literally had to do that and put it in a box so I wasn't tempted, but now I can "put it to bed". Leaving it in another room or in my purse even when I'm home has been the easiest to follow consistently. Best of luck, can't wait to hear what you learn!

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

I’m looking forward to reading everything you linked! I broke up with my tight pants this year. I just wasn’t comfortable and didn’t like the way they looked anymore. I’m looking forward to hearing about your venture into low-tech.

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

I'm very interested in the possibility of this light phone experiment! We travel quite a lot, and I have a brain injury, so my pixel phone actually acts a bit as an assistive device, plus I'm the Admininstrator to a small nonprofit C-suite. Thankfully, it's a part-time role, so I think imthis would be possible for me!

My kiddo's school + teachers communicate via text, email, and web-based platforms only (no apps, what a miracle in Silicon Valley!!)

Another upside to making the switch - because of my brain injury, it is *ridiculously* easy for me to start chasing a dopamine hit without even realizing it.

I've been thinking of doing something similar to what you've described. Eager to hear you share more as this process unfolds for you!

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

When I was considering getting a light phone the one thing that ultimately stopped me was the reliance on other people for things in my daily life, like Uber/apps. I travel for work, often by myself, and also solo travel, and uber is my main way of navigating new cities. I also feel like, as much as I don't like it, communicating with my kids' teachers is through the apps that they use. It's very complicated.

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I hate how hard it is to be lower tech now! I will say, the Light Phone has a hotspot so I am able to use those iPhone apps if necessary by choice for travel, etc

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

Oh, I didn't realize that! That's good to know. Thanks.

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May 24Liked by Natalie Borton

Ooh I cannot wait to follow along your Light Phone journey! I have ALWAYS struggled with my phone use and how to balance that and what I’m modeling for my kids.

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Yes! I love all of the apps and tech during my work day, but at home and with friends I hate how overly-connected I feel to the internet — I really would love to know what it was like to be an adult in the 90s!!

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