Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

As a mother of two, I 100% agree with your opening!! And that last video gets me every time. AI is getting crazy out here.

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It’s a wild world we’re in!

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Jun 25Liked by Natalie Borton

Thank you for alll the substack articles recs!!! Love the all black outfit by the way.

I never posted my child on Facebook and finally just deleted it. I keep my IG account private - esp since having a daughter - but planning on deleting soon and saving my feed in a photo book (Artifact Uprising does a photo book based on your feed). RIP social media!

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Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

How some influencers/people online share about their kids makes me uncomfortable, too. Not just from a privacy perspective, but from a being present perspective, too. I find it sort of cringe when someone’s sharing their kids worst moment, an embarrassing story, or even something fun! I love seeing parents set an example that not everything has to be shared online for feedback, approval, or so that everyone else is aware of it. I’d much rather see someone set a healthy example of living their life primarily offline, setting healthy boundaries, and knowing what really matters in life.

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Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

I'm not a parent yet, but I completely agree with everything you said at the top. The way people (non-influencers with private profiles included in this as well) share their kids online makes me so uncomfy.

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So upsetting!

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Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

This may be touching on a different issue, not necessarily online safety, but I grew up with a mom who is/was an over-sharer, usually at my expense. It put a strain on our relationship and how much I shared with her. To put that in perspective now, I cannot imagine how I would feel and deal with that in today's social media landscape. Kind of makes me want to crawl in a hole thinking about it. Another interesting thought that I've been chewing on is that even in "celebrating" our children's accomplishments, the standard of that now is posting online. Rather than a celebratory phone call or a picture text to friends or family members. Even though there may be connection through likes or comments, I feel, we and our children are missing out on true connection with those who are truly important to us. It may take more time and effort to reach out to those we want to connect with. But doesn't that make the accomplishment and the resulting praise all the more genuine? Those connections deepen our relationships with each other on a level not available on social media.

ok, ending my own rant :)

Thank you for your post! More parents need to be aware of the safety issues as well as the impact on their relationship with their children and their children's relationship with social media that they learn from our modeling.

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Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

I completely agree with being very limited with what you put out there about your children. I read the WSJ article and was astounded by what the mother was willing to put out online of her daughter knowing who the primary audience turned out to be for an underage girl. Our responsibility as parents is to make sure our children are safe. Some things are not worth it.

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Jun 21Liked by Natalie Borton

Excellent round up. Thank you for sharing. Children do deserve their privacy. Agree or dont agree, conversations like these will keep the thinking parts of our brains in use.

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Thanks Neela!

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Thank you so much for your support, Natalie! Loved this weekly recap - totally agree on all counts, can’t wait for the new sunnies, and the Astroturfing of Fashion Culture piece still has me thinking 👏🏻

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Wasn’t that post excellent?! Loved it and I’ve re-read it several times.

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What about private profiles? I very choosy on who I accept to follow me. Is this ok or should it be avoided altogether?

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I'm generally pretty cautious about what I share online... I have a public IG to share travel photos and tag businesses or people I want to support and a private IG to share personal photos with a small group of friends & family. Still, your post gave me pause and I actually went through all my accounts and removed a ton of content that was either outdated or just didn't sit right. Everything is changing so quickly these days, it's ok to change our minds too - thanks for the prompt!

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