Week in Review #31: A really great week
A trip to Carmel, a brand new product, and launching The Effortless Style Club
This week was a really great one if I’m honest, and I think it’s always good to identify when that’s the case. Life is a rollercoaster and I’ve had some really low points this year already, so I’m taking this week as a win.
Why was it great exactly? Well let me tell you…
1 / Trip to Carmel
Now that we have a shop in shop up at TEJIDO in Carmel by the Sea, I try to get up here monthly to restock items, freshen up the space and touch base with the incredible TEJIDO team. Carmel (and Big Sur) is my favorite place to be, and I am so glad I get to be spending time in that area more than ever now. We stocked some not-yet-available-online items in the shop, so if you’re in the area, be sure to stop in for early access to new products, as well as some restocks of things not yet restocked online.
On Wednesday night while I was there, I made a solo reservation at my favorite restaurant, La Bicyclette, and enjoyed a crisp glass of rosé, fresh seafood and fries while reading my latest thriller (Just Another Missing Person by Gillian McAllister) and it was nothing short of perfection. Do you ever take yourself on a date? I do from time to time, but it was a reminder to do it more often. I am a major extrovert, so I don’t often prioritize time alone, but this was a real treat.
Keep reading to see more from my trip!
2 / Final Bag Sample
I’ve always been a big fan of accessories, but especially bags. I’ve mostly just been a customer and admirer of beautiful handbags, but last year I started to dabble in bag design with my friend Abby and I absolutely loved it. We created the Basket Tote (restocking in May) and the Mara Bag together and I’m so, so grateful for the chance to design with her and give it a try. I loved it so much, we’ve decided to start making our own bags in-house at Natalie Borton Designs and the final sample of our bag was dropped off this week! Very excited to launch it soon.
3 / Launched The Effortless Style Club
The Effortless Style Club is a new club I started for us this week, hosted right here on Substack. I’m so thankful to each of you have decided to join! You can expect weekly posts on Tuesdays (starting next week!) and you can always access the members-only chat. If you missed the announcement, here’s a quick synopsis of what it entails:
Exclusive styling deep dives, including seasonal wardrobe planning, capsule guides, outfit formulas and my favorite thing, carry-on only packing lists! (Note that all Packing Light posts will be moved into The Effortless Style Club)
Confidence-building and self-discovery prompts to refine your style and feel at home in your wardrobe
Curated shopping lists with strategy-driven recommendations on what’s worth investing in
Members-only chat and interactive Q&As where you can ask style questions and get personalized insights
…and probably some other things, too! I’m all ears.
Thought of the Week

Moments in Carmel by the Sea
A quick 24 hour trip! Nothing short of perfect, as always…

Good Reads on Substack
How to Align Your Spending with Your Values | “In a world where recreational shopping and impulse buying have been normalized, it’s easy to find yourself one-click ordering the latest overhyped trend, but with a little intentionality and mindfulness, you can shift your spending habits to better reflect your values.”
The Cure to Being Ugly and Unstylish is Going Outside | “Before you cry on camera and smear your makeup everywhere (absolutely nuts humiliation ritual to do for free, by the way), sobbing to the internet about how ugly you are, have you tried going outside? This again sounds insensitive, but it truly is the only cure to this sense of individualism that borders on narcissism that we’ve all developed from seeing ourselves constantly.”
In Defense of Gatekeeping | “There was a time when we didn’t know the details of anyones lives except our family and inner circle. We were forced to draw creativity from places other than the internet. Celebrities were mysterious, influencers were non-existent, individuality was at its peak, really. I miss how quiet it was. When the details of someone’s life or outfit weren’t thrown in our faces daily. It was actually easier to get dressed. Because you weren’t thinking about anyone else. You weren’t comparing your outfit or budget or taste. You were just wearing what you want and had no choice but to be yourself. It was real and less fixated on a trend. We shopped less. We cared less. We were more content. It was more authentic.”
Hope you’re having a great weekend — until next time!
Just want to say I love your thoughtful posts. I too love Carmel!
I’ve been on the white tee hunt!! Where is yours from???