Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

As someone who’s followed you for years I will say that sometimes good things come from unexpected endings. Something about that failed venture felt off to me. As a matter of fact I unfollowed you for a time because of it. I started following you again by chance because I ran into a random post in which I noticed that you were back to being YOU. People grow and change, and that’s good so long as it feels genuine. I love this current iteration of you.

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Thank you, Lexi 🙏🏼

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

I really appreciate you sharing this. Going through something hard right now, professionally and really needed to be reminded that things will work out.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Oof, just saying SAME. Sometimes I need to scream into the void. And also, a friend shared the quote - Every storm runs out of rain.

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I'm so sorry you're going through it!! It is so challenging while you're in in, but it won't be forever.

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I resonate so much with this post as I also "failed" big, come out on the other side and am now feeling better than I ever did back then!

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Failure is part of life and the sooner we accept it and learn from our errors, the happier and more successful we’ll be.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Thank you for your vulnerability, Natalie! I interviewed 100+ entrepreneurs for a book I wrote a couple of years ago and learned that failure is an essential part of the process - even when painful. Thank you for the reminder <3

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The only way is through. Scary when we can't see the other side, and also more scary to stay put. PS that denim duster/trench is fantastic!! And PPS pls sun, come visit us here in SD

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Yes! Not knowing how it'll work out is one of the most difficult things, but it can be worse to stay put. We only get this one life!


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Jun 9Liked by Natalie Borton

Gorgeous mood board and entire aesthetic! I’m into that photo of you wandering into the bar with the palms

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Thank you, Kristen!

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Jun 9Liked by Natalie Borton

I look forward to reading your post every Tues/Fri. It’s inspiring, simple to read, and most importantly I get inspiration from your style. The Legit Mom Style as it describes literally my day-to-day wear. Love it! Thank you for making this and sharing other subtacks that are relatable to my current life/lifestyle.

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Thank you so much for these kind words!

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Jun 8Liked by Natalie Borton

Thank you for sharing your story. It’s refreshing to hear your story of how you just went for it and how you were able to make it happen! You would’ve never learned those lessons if you didn’t go for that opportunity. I strongly feel as one door closes, another door opens! This is a great reminder!

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It’s so true! The experience was necessary, even if it was difficult.

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Jun 8Liked by Natalie Borton

Thank you for dedicating a post to this Natalie! I relate to this so much. I'm going thru my own business break up and while not public in the same way yours was, it certainly feels similar in so many ways. I've had to recognize that its OK if not everyone understands. I have had many days being frustrated by how my partner is dishonest and manipulative. Not claiming that to your situation but a business partnership is so intimate, I was not prepared and feel like marriage counseling should be required before entering into one. Man, its a slog at the moment. Just keep reminding myself its a marathon. I focus on what I can control and remind myself that I get to act in a way that makes me proud every day. Working with a partner when you are not aligned is a real mind-F. So I'm grateful to at least have the space and freedom to be true to my own values.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Very sad that you lost your friendship over this business deal but happy you were able move on and grow.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

We are in the pinnacle section of a huge, 3 year long growth season and whew! This post really hit for me.

"It didn’t work out the way I expected back in 2021 when I first entered into that business partnership, but I think it all happened for a reason and the way it needed to." - this spoke to me so much!

And then when you later said, "June 2023 felt like the end, but it really was just a new beginning. A chance to start fresh. An opportunity to be humbled (never easy, but very important)." - I'm in this place right now, and it feels so big and scary and relieving and painful and there is SO much unknown.

I'm very grateful for the change and release and end that is coming, because I can already see that it means getting to move more towards the integrity of who I am, my values, my hopes, my dreams - for not only me but also for my family - and that is so comforting in a time where everything is being heaved and razed.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

You are an inspiration. I don’t follow many “influencers” but I’ve enjoyed following you since 2020. I hate even using the word influencer with its negative connotations, but I think you’re the type of influence we need on social media. Never peddling things, just authentically sharing you. Thank you!

Also, that June moodboard is ITTTT!!! I am feeling all of those lately too.

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Thank you for this encouragement, Nadia!

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Thank you for sharing this! I have spent so long not going after my dreams bc I was too afraid to fail but now I look at failure as a great lesson that can only make us stronger as a person. Progress not perfection!

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this is mind bendy but when we stay safe and intentionally don't choose our dreams, we're already failing ourselves. So we can move forward through the discomfort or stay safe and experience discomfort of a different kind. It's really a choice of which kind of discomfort. Easy, no. A process, yes. Will it be scary and unnerving, for sure. And (with a big breath) will it be worth it, every single time!

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Needed to read this myself today as I embark on a promotion that I was scared to accept because of the fear of failing at it. Thank you for writing this. The push I need.

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

Yes so true and what a beautiful way to say this! It’s a process for sure but I have found to lean into the new discomfort and it’s made me feel so proud of myself ❤️

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Jun 7Liked by Natalie Borton

thank you for sharing! i loved the quote you included also! You are so strong and a great role model for being resilient!!!

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Many times God brings our "enemies" to nothing. I thought you handled all that very professionally, and I'm glad you're doing something you enjoy now!

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Thank you, Janel!

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